Tuesday, 30 July 2019

The heaviest I have ever been

Today is the heaviest I have ever been. I don't need to step onto scales to realise this.

10 years ago I was fit. I ran a marathon and could move with ease. Making poor decisions day by day has dragged me into a fat place.

But this does not need to remain. I can do much better than this.

I am moving to another country in 4 days. No car, much walking, casual football and decent eating will help my body.

Every person needs a sin. Mine was ice-cream. I would easily eat a tub a day. In the new place my sin should be the desire to meet new people and speak and write beyond before.

Choose a sin that benefits.

I will walk again soon. 

A year with no injuries

I have managed to avoid a year with no injuries. That is because I have done nothing! For some reason I thought I would start exercising again... this has not proved to be the case at all. 

Almost Ramadan

This is another weekday evening where I have eaten (again) under 1700 calories. This is not a tiny amount. But it is enough to lose some weight.

My thoughts and my mind are tiny. Without movement there can be no consciousness.