Sunday 7 June 2009

Egton 10k

So. I arrived at a very early time - about 10:15 for a race starting at 11:30. I wandered around Egton appreciating its North Yorkshireness, and applauded the fun runners. Particularly distinctive, and rather impressive, was a pirate boat launching from the start.

I appreciated the time I took to warm up, and the steps I took to avoid the usual chaffing.

Starting the race, I was chatting to several competitors. Feeling the adrenaline going, I started slow. After the first kilometre, I began to speed up.

Knowing my usual pace, and knowing my mentality, I am keen to burn my energy in the first part. Instead, somehow, experienced prevailed and I kept a steady pace. Slowly I overtook the stragglers and the slower runners. Certainly, too, I was speeding up in the last three kilometres.

As I ran this, I imagined God as my thighs. How would you appreciate this metaphors? Because the rest of me hurt, but my thighs keep going. I can depend on them, and focus on them as - bizarrely - the toes on my right foot hurt most. Still, I finished strongly, and feel full of energy now.

Ask me about it tomorrow.

As ever, the interesting thing will be to see if I am running another race soon. The time? Will be posted here soon, when I find it out...


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