Saturday 26 March 2011

My right foot hurts...

But that is also an excuse to simply not train as much as I should. I need to purchase some new slippers, and also to purchase some sort of foot bandage, too, I think. And to tape my toes on my right foot.

I think to the gym, 30 mins workout, and back...

Tuesday 22 March 2011

The long run...

was completed on Monday. I started running in glorious sunshine; it ended in caked blackness.

My right foot hurt - I wonder if I should have it looked at? Also, my right armpit chaffed - I certainly should ensure that it is lubed.

But to run after school was brilliant. And I am (reasonably) on target. One thing is for sure, though. To break 4 hours is, I think, a pipe dream. To beat 4:23 (another teacher's time) seems a better bet to me...

Sunday 20 March 2011

The long run

And so I didn't manage to run this Sunday - went to bed too late to warrant it, and decided to eat a fried breakfast.

However, I have decided to reschedule for tomorrow. It remains to be seen whether I am able to run well after school. I certainly hope so.

I have in my mind that it will be a two hour run. Will it be? I wonder. If I can't be bothered...

1:55 mins...

Sunday 13 March 2011

1:45 mins

For a training run today, I ran at marathon pace for the entire time. The only pain was in my right foot, which felt like it was breaking with a stress fracture.

My pace was consistently at least half a minute faster than last week. In doing so, I feel strong. Let's not talk too much, but suffice to say, I am on target with my training.

Training has been boring the past three weeks. By that, I mean that it has necessarily been turgid. But it has made me stronger.

Thursday 10 March 2011


And so today I ran for 25 minutes. My legs are stronger.

Sunday 6 March 2011

A long run

And so today I managed a long run - for 1 hour and 40 minutes. I intend initially to only run for 1 hour and 30 minutes. However, as all good things move with running, I managed 1 hour and 40 minutes. My cardio was fine throughout, as I knew it would be. My legs? My calves hurt somewhat throughout most of it. If not all of it.

Andy joined me, which I was particularly impressed with - and appreciative of. It meant that we were able to keep our running slow and paced, and that we were able to finish the run without injury.

And this week? I think that I would like to begin to run more often. To begin to keep up my two runs and week, and possibly change to three. I would like to begin to use my running refueling.

Things are coming together. But, and this is important to note, my motivation to run meant that today, as most days recently, I did not feel every fibre of my being burning to to run. Though, happily so, while I do not feel that burning engine to run, I still run. And I trust that engine will fire up soon.

Saturday 5 March 2011

Friday run

And so on Friday I was tired. Tired as hell. My legs were tired, but my throat was tireder. Dry, sore, worn. Still, I ran. Granted, I couldn't run the 4 minute km past two minutes. But I managed to move for 25 minutes.

I was not inspired. I was not with energy. Despite this, I ran. I was powerful. And I did so.

The marathon is in 12 weeks. It is near enough.

Tomorrow is the big run.

Wednesday 2 March 2011


Today I made it to the gym, and hit out a 60 HIIT session, with an extension of 50 resistance for a total of 25 (27) minutes of cardio. Not amazing, just hitting what I need.

Yesterday, I was so tired that I fell asleep in school.

This is part of the necessary grind of training.