Sunday 27 February 2011

How much running from here?

And so I ran faster than 9 minutes for most of the run. I must say, though, that I ran out of energy after 9 miles. I walked for the last 15 minutes or so. Well, here I am. Running out of energy after 9 miles, and I want to run 26.2 miles? I wonder! I really do wonder...

The Sunday run

So this is the four Sunday in an row where I have managed to run for a long time. Well, we'll see when I come back about that! But it is the time where I want to run, and I want to run well. And I want to run hard, and I want to strengthen my muscles.

My running is tied up in my reading. I can see so clearly in my own students those whose fitness in reading has dropped, and those whose mental strength in reading is strong.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Such running!

Yesterday I ran the usually hard cardio. I started on 65, then ended at 80. I was strong throughout. My heart rate hit 180+, and I kept it there for the rest of the session. Pleasingly, my legs were strong.

I intend to run for 25 minutes tomorrow. 5 minutes warm-up, faster, then faster... I still haven't considered how fast I intend to run this. Let me think. Five minutes per kilometre is the fastest I want to run, I must say.

Sunday is the big run - I want to make sure that it's on the road.

Monday 14 February 2011

not running, but...

A day of 'rest'. I wanted to run today, or at least cardio, but I feel a little tired. That is not a big problem. I just didn't run.

Sunday 13 February 2011

A long Sunday run?

My muscles aren't in pain. My left calf might be somewhat damaged, but the rest of my leg keeps it up.

Suffice to say, I ran for 1 hour 25 minutes today. I aimed for 1:40 over cross country. I found that I had tremendous heart-burn. Part of it may have been English breakfasts. Another part, more likely, is cheap orange juice. It absolutely shred my guts and chest. It was almost unbearable, and certainly stopped me running.

I am pleased, though, with my balance of running and rest at the moment. My general strength is increasing. I didn't miss my run. And I intend, at some point, to walk for four hours to see if I can.

On a matter of interest, the cross country wasn't as sound as I thought it might be. I over ran the carpark, and walked through marshy ground. However, I was able to use my magic watch to guide me in the right direction to my car.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Another run?

And again today, I fancied running. But I didn't. Instead tomorrow I shall go to the gym, and do an easy 25 minute run. A warm-up, and then more.

And then Friday, another 25 minute cardio session. And then Sunday? A run for 1:30. While the idea of running for 1:40 minutes seems sound, I have yet to run for that kind of time properly. In fact, I think that I might drive and run elsewhere.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

A 10k

And so I ran the Dewsbury 10k last Sunday. I saw my mum on the Saturday before the race, and purchased a new running top.

I had recently, at Christmas, purchased some new compression socks. They turned out to be more like hold-ups, and not very good ones at that. I purchased those, according the salesperson, that fitting my 16" calves. They don't stay up though. Perhaps washing them may help a little...

So. The 10k saw me nursing a cold. My throat ached and my nose was blocked throughout. Still, I managed to run sub 43 minutes. The fact that I ran at that speed with some illness pleased me. I did feel it was slow, even though it was in my top 3 times. Thing is, too, it was a relatively flat course - uphill slightly on the first 5k, and downhill on the second 5k.

While I have been practicing my running with the gym cardio, I have been pushing myself for 20 minutes. This was not enough. My cardio went up and down, and, while I was able to push myself between the 6-8kms, I did lose my pace before the end. The purpose, though, was not to necessarily get a PB, but rather to form part of my training.

I can see myself hitting another training session - cardio-wise - on Thursday. I think I'll do a 65+ session. And on Friday, I'll look to do a running session on the treadmill. Of course, on Sunday, I'll look to do a 1:40 minute run. That's the big deal. That's the one to get my muscles working. That's the key one.

There are 15 weeks to go for the race. I have booked the ticket, and the accommodation. That is it. Another race to come up.