Saturday 30 January 2016

A regime of slowness in running

It has been a fair while since I last posted (six months or so?). In that time I have run some, played football some, and kept reasonably fit. I haven't managed to find a real rhythm to my fitness: establishing a new life in a new school and country took its time. However, I feel that I have established myself, and that my fitness can begin to find its way back into focus again.

I found an excellent website for a training calendar: It puts into my usual calendars a training schedule. It puts 2-3 mile runs as regular events - things that my sprinting body has failed to regular embark upon. Quite why I haven't is really a question of perspective - I like intensity when training, and have found it really quite hard to run slowly over many days for weeks on end.

I was having some joy when I strained (or worse!) a muscle in my knee. My knees have been fairly decent over the years (despite the rest of me falling to bits at some stage or another...). This has been a knock somewhat, but has also perhaps been a wakeup call for the need to:

1) Be slower.
2) Play less football (just too intense and dangerous for injuries).
3) Be more regular in my fitness.

I am lucky in that my insurance might cover a scan of my knee, and its eventual rehabilitation. I remember in the recent past that my foot problems took many months waiting for consultations that never really went anywhere.

What is key, though, is that I really begin to plan and experience my workout regimes. I need to find some time and space to get my body and mind into a profoundly fitter place than it is now. Such momentum might come from elsewhere, but it can find expression in movement.

Amongst this will be, I hope, the enjoyment of literature whilst I run: audiobooks have the rhythm of slowness that I need to develop in such thinking.


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