Sunday 6 December 2009

Almost the end of 2009

It is almost the end of 2009, and I have found some success, and some wise retractions of my previous running mentality.

I am a sprinter. Of that there is no doubt. I am inclined to power away, to put all my effort - mental, physical and spiritual - into one huge effort. Without this expression, I have previously felt somewhat flat, and perhaps somewhat unworthy.

However, I must say that these past three years have seen me realise the beauty of longer distance running. I remember walking down the steps of my beautiful flat in Scarborough - while I still lived there - and feeling the certainty that my will would continue and express regardless of what would face me. It was the feeling of knowing that I would finish a 10k, regardless of what would face me.

I should say, though, that I should be grateful for my recent poor health. While my weight has ballooned, I have muscle on my arms and legs. Also, my cardio can always be built up. I have not abused the commonly available distractions available to my peers. And I have a deep-set determination to do keep my fitness. This does not mean to run some huge races, and to damage my legs, my ankles and my heart. No. It means a long-planned fitness linked to my work, to benefit my work.

And it continued tonight with heading to the gym when it was closed.


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