Friday 21 October 2011

Cross Country

A few days ago I called cover for my Year 10 class so I could accompany the cross-country runners to their latest meeting. It was extra work, but worthwhile for it. I accepted the invite because of my esteem for our PE teacher.

As a small school the staff often stay for a long time. The will to improve, and to keep pushing, perhaps isn't the same as city schools. Regardless, we set standards. And our PE staff do.

I remember a small number of occasions where my PE teachers took me to running meetings. One in particular, Gordon Bristow, was an inspiration. But our PE teacher now is a coach beyond comparison. And so when he asked, I went.

The students we took were a mixed bag. There was some talent, but nothing outstanding; no-one part of a running club, for example. There was determination, though. I did not witness the weak will of other students from other schools who flatly refused to run.

Did I inspire these students? One was tearful after being shoved. I asked her if she felt terrible now, which at the time of course she did. And I asked her if she quit. to this she, of course, said she didn't. I asked her if she was would be proud of her determination later that week. She replied she would. Clever lass.

I feel soft right now. I know that I can run a sub 19 minute 5k. I know, too, that I can, and perhaps should, be able to run a sub 40 minute 10k. But moreso than this, I should be able to run consistently and without injury. Although I have never managed that.

There are four things that I need to do:

a) Strengthen my core.
b) Strengthen and maintain my legs.
c) Diet so that I hit and maintain a weight of 65 kg (rather than 72 kg, as I am now.)
d) Attempt a slow running work out that allows me to build up my running over a year.

Reading my diet blog, I see that it talks about eating smaller portions. I need a smaller plate. That is certain. And to realise that hunger doesn't equate to a lack of energy.

More later.


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