Saturday 22 October 2011

A training regime

This morning I have woken up and completed a few chores, and a few heel raises. My big toes rather worry me - they point at an almost bunionesque 45% into my feet. It is concerning at best, and terrifying at worst. I saw an expensive foot doctor (akin the a witch doctor!) who said some platitudes about it, but didn't touch it.

I also tried a few heel raises. My right foot clicked and was painful for a few moments. But then no more. My calves started to lock, and are still tight.

Last night I wrote some aims - certain times for the 5k and 10k, and to maintain a certain weight. I do not quite know why I want to complete those aims. Of course there are benefits, but I have yet to think through what sacrifices and changes are necessary for those aims to be achieved.

Part of my ignorance is, I think, portion size. I need to begin to think about how much I am eating during the day. I'm eating porridge in the morning, and the rest, but I don't have an inkling about portion size. I am eating, regularly, more than the 1/3 of a tub of Morrocan cous cous. I am eating too much (or, at least for my athletic aims.)

Tomorrow I want to aim to run a negative split for my 10k. TBH, 45 minutes is ambitious seeing as my cardio is atrocious, my core is weak, my weight is high and my spirit is faint. But to push under 40 minutes in my lifetime is not impossible - it just needs to be tied in with something worthwhile (or, at least, something more worthwhile than the whims of me.)


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