Sunday 18 March 2012

A marathon, not a sprint

And so I sit here in my study realising that I have not written in my blog for three weeks. I had managed to run in the Sewerby Park Run for a good 4-5 weeks, and at a decent pace. However, I still lacked any kind of ability to run for an hour at the weekends.

Two weeks ago I didn't run, because I realised that if I did run, I would break down. And for two weeks, I have dedicated a little bit too much time to school work. This has meant that my evenings have been devoid of fitness work.

Today I aimed to run for an hour. I managed to run for about 25 minutes before turning round and walking back (albeit with one or two jogs along the way.) While I need to build the strength in my legs and my joints, I also realised that my legs were still weak. Very weak indeed.

My marking has been intense over the past two weeks. Part of my teaching is to balance being creative on demand with marking intensely (and on command!) Both of these conditions are difficult: being creative under pressure is an act of personality and mood as much as it is an act of intellect.

I would like to aim for longer runs, but that is not something that I can commit myself to right now. Or, at least, something that I won't. And therein lies my problem. I want something, but I am not sure about how or what to sacrifice to achieve it. Ideally, a job that is fairly physically active would be useful. Or walking as my commute. But, over the next few weeks, we'll see how my fitness goes.


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