Sunday 8 January 2012

Marathon Training

I have run a marathon. While there is obvious pride in that, I did not train like a marathon runner. Neither have I trained like that since. I am a sprinter.

I consider, though, any marking for four hours or as equivalent to a marathon run. You can do it, like I ran a marathon, on necessity. When that necessity is created under your own values, under no spotlight save that of your own making - there is something impressive within that.

But the issue with such running, as it is with such working, is that it is so arduous that no-one wishes to embark upon it with free will. It cannot become part of a routine.

And yet is routine something that the artist always despises? Routine begins things that they don't want to begin. The mind is like the body; it needs to be strained and damaged and battered in order for it to grow stronger. To train it too far beyond its abilities (to feel stress!) is no good. It makes a man shy away from such limits. But to use routine to push yourself slowly to your limit without ever moving beyond it; that is something worth admiring.

I have no goals with my running, save for the usual. I have no spotlight, save that which I choose to bring myself.

And I know that I need to strengthen my core more than anything else. That is my one daily routine.


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