Saturday 28 May 2011

Building up the cardio...

Last summer I remember I did HiiT most days for the first two weeks. It felt like an incredible achievement. My routine was familiar - 19 minutes, heart rate between 170-190, interval of 4 minutes maximum and 1 minute off (repeat four times.)

I did this yesterday starting at 60% body weight resistance moving through increments to 75% body weight resistance (on a step trainer) all at 120 steps per minute minimum. Today I did the same, but did the last interval starting at 55% and moving to 75% each minute.

I find that my body has not kept its previous cardio workouts easily. To its credit, though, my legs are certainly stronger. The niggling injuries of the knees and foot are still there, but only slowly.

I intend to hit 3-4 more times the HiiT, and to decide how to approach the 10k coming up. In this, I ran to the gym as farlek (2 miles) before doing my training.

Like with work, and aspiration, as I run my race I am thinking (almost constantly) about how I really do want to slow down. And I think, too, about what part of my anatomy to focus on (for strength.)

My future sister in law is running a half-marathon tomorrow. Good luck to her!


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