Thursday 26 May 2011


It has surprised me how quickly my body seems to have recovered from some of the niggles of the marathon. I don't think for a moment that it is anywhere near peak fitness. For one I weigh 11 stone, and could do with losing half a stone. That doesn't upset me as I know that I always would always gain that weight to make it through winter (!)

No one I know is doing the 10k in Bridlington. Understandably, many want to work themselves fit before they attempt one. I am seeing this 10k as part of my continued path to fitness. I hope to hit the gym, if not today, then at least twice over the next three days. While I have stamina again, I want to hit my cardio again with HiiT many times this half-term. I might also, if I can, see if I can run at least 6 miles every Sunday. I can spare an hour.

Fed up much?


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