Thursday 2 June 2011

A 10k in two days' time...

I mulled for a time over the use of apostrophe in this above title. I also wondered about getting some earlier sleep.

I have managed to make a difference to some of my teaching this week; I have been treating it like a marathon this year. And, like my running, I hope to soon return to some sprinting.

My throat still hurts. I should really be taking more care of myself I think. It is past midnight and I am still writing. My cardio today in the gym was tremendously difficult. I managed only a few minutes of 6 minute mile pace on a treadmill, and only just finished my HiiT session. I intend to do little tomorrow (although I am meant to somehow travel to Hull.)

Most disconcerting, my lower legs still have sporadic aches in them upon impact. I hope some more sleep tonight will work wonders. I remember before the Scarborough 10k I felt physically fine, and indeed springy. Before the Kirbymoorside 10k, I felt terrible. I barely feel better now. Still, I think I am getting stronger in some ways...


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