Sunday 5 June 2011

Running fast

for a nice change I posted 43:50 during the Grand Yorkshire 10k. It was pleasing to see some more of Yorkshire promoting itself, and this was a well-organised, fast (yet scenic) race that I will certainly run again.

I started the day feeling my feet hurt as I gingerly climbed out of bed. Indeed, my lower kneecaps and the underside of my right foot were painful to the point where I felt I should be unable to run at all.

As it was, deep heat was my friend. It didn't ease the pain so much as make me feel athletic thanks to its overpowering smell of dedication and chemicals.

Before the race started I tried an energy gel. It almost certainly doesn't do anything, but it's a good placebo. I think I'll try one 15 minutes before my next 5k.

In terms of running the race, I aimed for 43:30 (7 minute mile pace.) My watch told me I was way off that time, and eventually I simply switched it to a clock. This was much better as I was torn between wanting to finish the race (by the time I hit 45 minutes or so) and wanting to run faster.

I felt that I ran fast most/all of the way, with a strong second half. As it was, my first half was relatively slow (4:30km or so) with the last 3 km moving towards 4 minute kms.) What was also sound was that the people I was running with all speeded up their final km pace too. I may have been taken on the line, as I also overtook someone else, but these things feel silly, as I wasn't even racing them a mile out.

The thing about this run was that my cardio was strong all the way. If I read how I ran in the Harrogate 10k, then I can see that I was in a situation where I was having to run my guts out to achieve a slower time. Instead, now, I find myself in a situation where I am training smarter, and finding my base times and my base fitness.

Whether I will run a 5k or a 10k next week remains to be seen. The Castle Howard is a sound enough run (and maybe the last 10k for a while.) But I will see how my body feels...


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