Monday 11 June 2012

Another observation

The rhythm of this term should be one of less lesson preparation and more reflection. It should be one of enjoying the company of my students and allowing them to reflect on how they have improved, and of what they need to do to improve next. Yes, I teach, and I teach well. But the days of waking up at 5:30am to finalise lessons should have passed.

As is often the case, last minute plans of organising meant that my school was down for one teacher to be organising by the LEA OFSTED. At least five teachers refused to be seen again, presumably burnt out by the rigour of it all. One teacher, in particularly, has yet to be seen (and is leaving for pastures new) but refused to help. For whatever reason, I stepped in.

Like with my running, there is always the urge to stop. Yet sometimes, despite this urge, I continue. I continue to run and to move and to teach even though there is a not-unsubstantial fatigue around me.

I remember, as the clock moves past 7am and I really should leave the house, of my 400m race when I was 14. I should write about that soon. 


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