Sunday 28 November 2010

Having not run for a month...

I realise what I need to do. To be in the gym. And, in doing so, to do a bare minimum. And, in doing a bare minimum, to be doing something.

My last exercise was the hardest ever interval training I have done in the gym. That, and my flirtation with the personal trainer, have both perhaps conspired to my recent procrastination. That, and the fact that I have not been sure that I have gym kit to take with me. All I need are:

2-3 t-shirts.

That is all I need. And that is what I will have.

I am performance based in my running, but that is not really why I run. I like running because I like the feeling of running fast. However, I do not think that I am ready yet to turn away performances.

There is something to say today about performances in running, and training. While I can push myself hard, my body is soft. My bones, although recently strengthened, can be weak. And, because they are weak, they are are susceptible to injury. So, being susceptible to injury, I loathe to run too much. Instead cross-training is my gig.

With this in my mind, I say that a friend was recently injured, having been in the best form of their life. I have to say that I think I do not have enough desire to beat times to injure myself. However, one injury I do carry now are blood blisters under my feet, not least thanks to football. In fact, my feet are generally quite poor in condition. Is there anything I can do about this?

Something else is this: I worked out well in the holidays because:

a) It was warm.
b) I needed to moved my car at 12:00pm, which meant I went to the gym on a daily basis.
c) I had the energy, food and time.

And now? I need to go to the gym after school. Recent things that have stopped me from doing this are:

a) Snow.
b) Not having organised my gym kit before.
c) Feeling that I am too busy in the evenings, inasmuch as I do not like eating late, and doing computer games late too. Although I may have to twice a week.

I think that clearing out the cobwebs with some easy sessions over the next two weeks. Nothing intense - just keeping things turning.


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